- CS 186
- Computer Science 186--Databases. One of the stupider classes I have taken.
Not necessarily bad topics, just a class beleagured with poorly thought out,
untested projects with no apparent point to them, taking away from time better
spend failing:
- CS 170
- Computer Science 170--Algorithms. See above. It's true. This class is
chewing me up and spitting me out. I was never a theory person before and this
class has yet to convert me.
- Music 26
- Music 26--Music in American Cultures. Ehh.. Soso. Not too hard, not too
easy, not *too* boring, not too exciting, not too slow, not too fast, not too
- EECS 40
- Electrical Engineering 40--Introduction to EE. I got off to a great start
in this class, fell a little behind due to 186 (die, die, die), but am getting
back up to speed now.
- EECS 43
- Electrical Engineering 43--Lab accompanying EE40. This is the easiest
and, curiously enough, most fun of my classes this semester. I just finished
building a small robot-type-thingy out of Legos.. Yippee!