Here are some of the "Things I Wrote When I Should Have Been
I've moved most recent stuff to my
Github Page. Examples of things
that used to be here but have moved are:
Baagle Desktop Search,
[ source | download ]
- A small perl script that, given a youtube url, plays the video
in the current terminal window as ascii art.
- A small perl wrapper script to use in place of UN*X
cal. It has two improvements (IMHO):
- it bolds the current day (if you're viewing the
current month)
- if you pass one argument it means "this month of the
current year" instead of the default "that year, all months"
[ source | download ]
- This is a Perl/Gtk script to facilitate downloading images from a
camera mounted on your filesystem. To that end, it provides preview
thumbnails by extracting them from the header with
jhead which is
very quick (compared to downloading the whole image), and does the
operations (move/copy/delete) in batches, complete with a pretty
little progress meter. This requires a few different perl modules
(check the top of the script), a camera that supports transparent
mounting on the filesystem (like most recent Olympus cams), UNIX of
some type, the jhead utility, and sudo if you wish to mount and
umount the camera yourself (instructions on how to set up your fstab
and sudoers file correctly not included).
- A perl script to label mp3s based on
cddb /
freedb information (or
from a textfile)
- Perl extension file for the "sirc" IRC client. Adds a number of
features: timestamping, URL shortcutting, idle messaging, away
messages, auto-return, auto-op. Just put it in ~/.sircrc.pl.
- A perl script to clean up an HTML doc's tags. While not as
extensive as
HTML Tidy, it
gets the job done, with regard to lowercasing tags and adding
""s around all attribute values.
- A Ruby port of the Perl Parallel::ForkManager module.
- A shell script to lowercase the names of the given files.
For example, use like: lc *.GIF to turn
afile.gif and foobar.gif. Does all
appropriate checking to make sure existing files are not
overwritten, etc etc. Really, you should just look at rename
above, though.
- YA (Yet Another) perl linkchecking script. This one's
semi-unique features include: parallellized external
link-checking, intelligent handling of broken servers like
Netscape Enterprise that return 404 on HEAD requests, useful
categorization and presentation of results, full regexp
exclusion and server aliasing support, can follow 301 and 302
redirects or not (to avoid having your link check report filled
with "/foo/bar" redirected to "/foo/bar/" messages), does
configurable loop checking, does real fragment checking (make
sure <a name="foo"></a> exists in the target page for URL
/blah/blah.html#foo), checks mailto: addresses for validity,
and can optionally follow form actions.
- A port of the above to Ruby. Also requires linkchecker.rb and
- The Ruby module for linkcheck
[ source | download ]
- Command line tool like perl -cw
for Mason components; great for use with vim :make
Mason Gallery
[ download ]
- This is the thumbnail/gallery generator I've written for use
with HTML::Mason. You can
try it out on my pics page, or grab the
tarball from the link above and give it a whirl. I've finally
released a usable version! I just added simple search to it.
- A perl script that, given a URL to an HTML document with a
form on it, outputs a perl script which is a command line
interface to making a GET or POST submission to that page. Very
handy for shell scripting.
- A perl script in progrems that simplifies parallelizing unix command
lines across multiple processes, making better use of multicore and
multiprocessor systems with existing command line tools.
[ download ]
- A perl module interface to the (f)statfs system calls.
Here's the README.
[ download ]
- A hack of Peter
Housel's "vid" program for capturing frames from OV511-based
WebCams (like the Logitech WebCam3 I use) to stream JPEGs
instead of snapping single PPMs, as well as a small perlscript
to stream the output to multiple connecting hosts. Read:
streaming videocam.
- Quick Perl script to do the equivalent of grep -r
in an SVN checkout, while avoiding .svn directories.
[ source | download ]
- Small X11 program to print the contents of the X cut buffer onto
standard output.
- An X11R6 clone of WarCraft II, about 20% done. (You can
build barracks, town halls, and farms, mine gold, chop trees)
It's pretty cool.. if nothing else, check out the screenshots.
In practice, someone
else is much further along with this.
Web Dial
- A bookmarklet hack to let you dial phone numbers via DTMF tones
directly from Firefox