To edit a page, you must have an account and be logged in (you will
automatically be prompted to log in when you go to edit a page, so don't
worry about it). Any HTML tags are valid, and the following Wiki-style
Any piece of text which matches exactly the name of a page which already
exists will be made into a link to that page. (e.g. all occurances of
the word "Aldea" will link to the page "Aldea", all occurrances of the
words "ran into trouble" will link to the page "ran into trouble" (which
will probably be a redirect page; see below)
Any line beginning with * (and a space) will become part of an unordered
bullet point list, like this:
* this
* that
* other
Any line beginning with # (and a space) will become part of an ordered
(numbered) list, same as above, but automatically numbered for you, starting
at 1.
Any line of the form ;title:definition will be made into a definition
list entry, so:
;Kirby:mage of the high order of fuzzy
;Cammy:high sorceress
will be:
mage of the high order of fuzzy
high sorceress
Lines beginning with one or more :'s will be indented that many "tabs".
Blank lines will break paragraphs.
Inline images may be included via ordinary <img src> tags, or if
they are in the main or upload image area, simply referred to as follows:
To make a page automatically bounce to another page, make the page one line
containing the text: #REDIRECT Other Page Name
To make a horizontal rule (line across the page), put four -'s on a line
by themselves, so: ---- becomes:
To display a header, use the syntax = text = or == text == or === text ===
or ==== text ==== on lines by themselves. The more ='s the smaller the
header (up to 4).
Account Management
Each page should have a link to "Edit Account" which allows you to change
your email address and password.