vol 10, October 2000
Boulder Aikikai's Aikido Summer Camp in the Rockies Saotome sensei's Summer Camp in France - Le Vigan Takeda sensei at Aikido of Fremont Saito Shihan's Seminar Contributed by Greg Jennings* Over 325 Aikidoka from the U.S. and foreign countries from the Philippines to Turkey gathered in beautiful Rohnert Park, California for a seminar with Morihiro Saito Shihan, 9th dan September 22-24. This event, sponsored by the Iwama Monkasei Group, marked Saito Shihan's 25th year teaching in the United States. In recognition of this achievement, Saito Shihan received commendations from the Governor of California and one entered into the Congressional Record of the United States. Mark Larson repeated last year's excellent performance as Saito Shihan's interpreter and personal assistant while Vince Salvatore Sensei and Patrick Cassidy Sensei applied their awesome ukemi skills to handling the bulk of the duty as Saito Shihan's uke. Hans Goto Sensei acting as master of ceremonies kept the seminar on schedule to the minute. The program consisted of six classes over the three-day period covering Iwama weapons, basic exercises and empty hand training from the basic exercises through advanced reversal techniques. Saito Shihan covered each of literally scores of techniques with incredible precision and clarity liberally sprinkled with amusing anecdotes from his 23 years with the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. Extracurricular activities included an opening ceremony of Taiko drumming and a party Saturday evening with entertainment by a group featuring Polynesian dancing and music. Saito Shihan took the time to autograph many, many books and sat for pictures with every group in attendance. All in all, a flawless seminar in a beautiful location with an instructor who is nothing less than living Aikido history. *Greg studies at Capital City Aikido in Montgomery, Alabama, USA jenningsgreg@home.com, http://www.capitalcityaikido.com/ |
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