vol 18, July 2001
Sensei Danielle Smith & Dennis Evans at Aikido of San Luis Obispo Robert Bryner sensei at Cleveland Aikikai Christian Tissier sensei in Paris, France Amos Parker shihan at Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento, CA Hiroshi Ikeda sensei at So. CA Spring Retreat - San Jacinto Mountains Boulder Aikikai Spring 2001 Seminar with sensei Stickles and Ikeda Amos Parker shihan at Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento, CA Contributed by Steven Miranda*
Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento hosted for the second time, Yoshinkan 8th dan shihan, Amos Lee Parker. This event was held at the Seikeikan dojo's new home at the Orangevale Recreation and Park District youth center. In attendance were the Seikeikan deshi, as well John Fox Sensei and Diane Novak from our member club in Medford, OR. Also joining us were E.J. Nella Sensei of Aikido of Lafayette and Matt Brennan from the Stanford Aikido club. **(See end of article for Group photo IDs) As usual, Parker Shihan spent a good portion of the 3 days critiquing our basic technique which also included administering 5 kyu exams. I'm happy to report that all 5 students were elevated to the kyu ranking for which they where tested. In addition, Parker Shihan introduced some very old Aikido techniques that were the hallmark of O'Sensei's pre-World War II Aikibudo. These techniques were handed down to Shioda Gozo Soke and Terada Kiyoyuki Shihan from O'Sensei and taught to Parker Shihan who shared them with us. Parker Shihan by far is one of the most powerful, yet gentle teachers of Aikido and truly is a master of technique. All of us definitely learned a lot of new things from Parker Shihan and we are extremely grateful to him for taking time from his schedule to be with us. We are hoping to have Parker Shihan back with us again in November and invite you all to come join in the fun. Heiwa! *Steven Miranda, is an instructor at Seikeikan (IYAF) Aikido Yoshinkan Sacramento. To learn more about him and Parker Shihan, please click on http://www.seikeikan.com "USA Aikido Yoshinkan Seiseikai Gateway".
**Group photo: |
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