Character | AC (with notes) | Spot | Listen | Sense Motive |
Sendant | Base: 21 (+10 Magic Full Plate, +1 dex) Flat-footed: 20, Touch 11 | +6 | +4 | +4 |
Timus | Base: 22 (+7 Armor of the War Mage, +2 RoP, +1 Dex, +2 Natural Armor), +5 if Shielded (directional, not +7 b/c doesn't stack with ring), +4 if Hasted Flatfooted: 21, +shield & haste, Touch: 13, +shield & haste, +4 if Mage Armored. |
+3 | +4 | +2 |
Gryffid | Base: 24 (+8 Kickass Chain Shirt, +4 Militia Shield, +2 Dexterity) Flatfooted: 22, Touch: 12 |
+5 | +5 | +2 |
Arlemis | Base: 30 (+3 dex, +2 Cunning Defense, +8 chain shirt, +3 Guardian Ring, +3 Wanderer's Staff, +1 buckler) Flat-footed: 25, Touch 18 | +25 | +19 | +7 |
Tierney | Base: 24 (+4 Bracers, +2 Ring, +2 boots, +6 dex) Flat-footed: 18, Touch 18 | +5 | +11 | +7 |