
Prestige Class: Dwarven Keeper

The dwarves tend to their own, and any dwarf who has broken dwarven law lives in fear of the Keepers. They are relentless, vicious and deadly, against the world in general and other dwarves in particular. They are the avengers of dwarvenkind -- when a fire breaks out in a dwarven home, the Keepers will let the priests or commoners save the dwarven children inside while they look for clues to the identity of the perpetrator.

Requirements: A Dwarven Keeper must have a Base Attack Bonus of +5, 5+ ranks in Intimidate, and 5+ ranks in Sense Motive. They must also be dwarven, and have proficiency in either the Dwarven Waraxe (as a martial or exotic weapon) or the Dwarven Urgosh.

Hit Dice: 1d12

Skills: 2+Int per level Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Listen, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot

Class Features

Weapons: A Keeper is proficient in all simple and martial weapons.

Attacks: as fighter (+1 Base Attack/level)

Saves: Fortitude, Will good

Armor: All Armor, All shields

Abilities by level

1 Dwarvenfear

2 Improved Aid

3 Cracking Rocks

4 Truth Sense

5 Damage Reduction 3

6 Detect Thoughts

7 Blood Bond

8 Command

9 Damage Reduction 7

10 Improved Blood Bond

Dwarvenfear: The Keeper is greatly feared or respected by other dwarves. In any non-combat roll in which the Keeper can be said to be intimidating a dwarven opponent, he gets a bonus equal to his Keeper level. This includes intimidation and possibly diplomacy checks. In general, any dwarf will do whatever a Keeper says.

Improved Aid: The Keeper works exceptionally well with other Keepers. When a Keeper chooses to aid another Keeper, they use a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. They also add their level to the bonus, so that the bonus is 2+(Keeper Level) to hit for the other Keeper.

Cracking Rocks: When an opponent that the Keeper is fighting is hit for damage, the Keeper gains a +1 to hit for the remainder of that round. This bonus is cumulative, so if three Keepers were fighting a rogue dwarf and each of the first two Keepers hit twice, the last Keeper to attack would have a +4 to his attack. If he hit with his first attack, his second attack would be at +5. These bonuses are counted as Natural bonuses, as if the die had actually rolled that number. This means that if the +5 takes a roll to 20, it is a threat for a critical hit.

Truth Sense(Ex): The Keeper gains the ability to tell whether another dwarf is lying. This manifests as a +15 to the Sense Motive skill against any dwarf.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The Keeper soaks up damage with his powerful frame and ignores small wounds.

Detect Thoughts (Su): The Keeper may, by concentrating on another dwarf and questioning him, reach into his mind and rip the thoughts out. This acts as the spell of the same name. The save DC is 15+Cha.

Blood Bond (Su): The Keeper and any other Keeper within 10' may choose to draw from a pool of hit points. Neither warrior falls until the total hit point pool reaches zero. This ability only works if the Keeper is within ten feet of his ally. If he goes out of range, they each have half of the total hit points in the pool.

Command (Su): The Keeper may deliver an order to another dwarf. It must be no more than one sentence in length, and the save DC is 15+Cha. The Keeper may do this a number of times per day equal to 1+Cha modifier.

Improved Blood Bond (Su): As Blood Bond, but an unlimited number of Keepers may pool their hit points together. No Keeper may be more than 25' from one of his allies. The Keeper may also use this ability to bond with one (and only one) non-Keeper ally -- this ability only works if the ally is willing.


The Keepers are expected to find and punish criminals. Should they be found by other Keepers to be derelict in their duties (too much time adventuring and not enough time hunting rogue dwarves) or be in any way disloyal, they will be killed quickly and viciously.

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