
Egalitarian Field


Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4

Components: V,S,M

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: 25' + 5'/level

Effect: Sphere of radius 5'/level

Duration: 1 round/level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

You alter the consistency of the molecules in the air, causing them to bond around the bodies of all living creatures and slow them down.

Anyone inside the field acts as if with a Strength and Dexterity of 10 with respect to attacks, damage, saves, and any skill checks that rely upon Strength or Dexterity. Ranged weapons are affected only if the wielder is firing or throwing from inside the field. This field does not effect creatures internally -- a dragon does not suddenly collapse under its own weight, and a character in full plate does not suddenly stagger from encumbrance. Only actions which relate to an external environment are effected.

Note that constructs and undead are immune to the field.

The material component for this spell is a thin sphere of magnetic iron.

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