
Plot Breaker Prestige Class

There's always one. The one who says, "Oh, I had a Stilled, Silent Gaseous Form memorized." Or who casts Grease on the bad guy's dagger when he's holding the princess hostage. He's the plot-breaker, the one who's going to mess up the DM's plot and make sure that nothing goes according to plan.

Hit Dice: 3d8 per level

Attack Progression: As Fighter

Saves: Fort, Reflex, Will, Plot good

Proficiencies: Simple, Martial, and Plot-Based Weapons -- all armor and shields

Requirements: The plot-breaker must win a bet with the DM or blackmail the hell out of him in order to get access to this prestige class. The character must also have saved the time-space continuum at least once, and have completely ruined one of the DM's really cool plans with some innovative cute trick.

Abilities by Level:

  1. Evasion, Mettle, Plot Save, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  2. Uncanny Dodge(dex to AC), Spell Resistance 17, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  3. Detect Thoughts, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  4. Uncanny Dodge(dex to plot), Spell Resistance 21, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  5. Dimension Door, Plot Resistance 5, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  6. Uncanny Dodge(can't be flanked by plot), Spell Resistance 25, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  7. Teleport, Plot Resistance 10, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  8. Uncanny Dodge(invisible plots get no bonus to hit), Spell Resitance 29, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  9. Time Stop, Plot Resistance 15, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels
  10. Plot Immunity, +1 to all existing spellcasting levels

New abilities:

Plot Save: The plot-breaker gets a new save, the Plot Save. This functions as any other save would, and is used whenever a spell or special attack is used in a situation where the DM is trying to just capture or coerce the party. For example, when the party gets tricked into accepting a Geas, the plot-breaker would get to make a plot-save, even if he had agreed and forfeited his chance at a Will save. When the party is woken up at knifepoint with no opportunity to attack without being killed right then and there, the plot-breaker still gets a Plot Save to avoid the attack.

Uncanny Dodge(Ex): At 2nd level, the plot-breaker keeps his dex bonus to AC. At 4th level, he retains his Dex bonus even when that bonus is taken away by the plot. At 6th level, even two plot elements working together don't get a bonus to affect the plot-breaker, and at 8th level this bonus also applies to plot elements of which the plot-breaker was previously unaware.

Detect Thoughts, Dimension Door, Teleport, Time Stop (Sp): These spell-like abilities are some of the great game-breakers, and can be used at will, once per round, by the Plot Breaker. They help ensure that no situation can ever actually coerce the party into doing something they don't want to do, and that no major plot element will come as a surprise.

Plot Resistance (Ex): Starting at 5th level, certain plot elements may simply fail to affect the Plot Breaker. Whenever an arbitrary plot device takes place, the DM must overcome the character's Plot Resistance before the character even needs to worry about his Plot Save. This resistance increases with level. At level 10, the character is utterly immune to the plot. His type changes to Plot-Based-Creature, with all the standard abilities for such a creature (including the usual maximized quickened empowered energy-substituted fireball).

Limitations: The plot-breaker is always irking the DM. Some day, the DM will have his revenge...

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