Tresk Dependencies

Song & Silence Dependencies

Colin thought of using Makefile format for handling the dependencies for the Tresk mission. I like that idea. So I'll start putting stuff here.

Of course, make is a stickler for tabs, so you'll want to substitute %TAB% for a tab character should you actually run this through make.

--- CUT HERE ---

all: this-plan-work

lights-go-out: maintenance

golem-controls-stop-working: maintenance TAB%@echo "Stop golem controls."

golems-stop-resisting-magic: relay-station TAB%@echo "Remove golem resistances."

evocation-magic-work: maintenance TAB%@echo "Reenable evocation magic."

conjuration-magic-work: maintenance TAB%@echo "Reenable conjuration magic."

illusion-magic-work: barricade TAB%@echo "Reenable illusion magic."

enchantment-magic-work: barricade TAB%@echo "Reenable encahntment magic."

magic-monitors-stop: barricade TAB%@echo "Stop magic monitors."

locks-open: mind-pool TAB%@echo "Open locks."

cell-monitors-stop: mind-pool TAB%@echo "Prevent cell monitors from operating."

prisoner-roster-ours: admin TAB%@echo "Get prisoner roster."

maintenance: TAB%@echo "Take maintenance."

barricade: TAB%@echo "Take barricade."

mind-pool: TAB%@echo "Take mind pool."

admin: TAB%@echo "Take administration."

relay-station: TAB%@echo "Take relay station."

magic-work: evocation-magic-work conjuration-magic-work illusion-magic-work \ enchantment-magic-work

golems-weaker: golem-controls-stop-working golems-stop-resisting-magic

--- CUT HERE ---


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