Please allow two to three weeks to receive your order. Some items are always in stock and can be shipped immediately while other items are made-to-order and require more time. Most commonly Hakama can take up to two weeks to complete and wooden training weapons may take as long as one month.
How to order
There are four easy methods for placing your order:
Bu Jin Design is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days
a week on the Internet. You can browse our full online catalog
and place orders with our secure order form.
You can call us at 303.444.7663 between 8:30am and 5:00pm
MT, Monday-Friday, or leave a detailed message in our voice
mailbox after hours, with your name and daytime phone number.
Please complete the order form prior to your call and have
your credit card number ready.
Please send your completed order form along with your payment
to: Bu Jin Design, 2430 30th St., Boulder, CO 80301. Please
include your credit card information, check, or money order
payable to Bu Jin Design.
Fill out the order form completely and fax it to 303.444.1137.
How to pay
We accept the following methods of payment: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, personal checks (US residents only), and money orders. Payment will only be accepted in US dollars.
©1998-2001 Bu Jin® Design
Toll-free: 1.866.444.3644tel: 303.444.7663 / fax: 303.444.1137