Brel's Song

Brel's Song

Performed by Brel, original Twingate music by Five for Fort Save, a gnomish grunge band

I can't stand the night,
Cold upon my skin.
Still I wait outside
'Til I'm invited in.

I'm not a disease,
I'm not a mistake,
Not some unbeating heart that needs a stake,
And it's not easy... to be... me.

I wish I wasn't burned
By the light of day,
Or that I wasn't turned
When a priest began to pray.

I see all your fear,
You try to protect,
Wearing those garlic cloves around your neck.
You look in the mirror,
And never suspect
How it feels to know you don't reflect,
And it's not easy... to be... me.

No, come on, don't run away from me,
It's alright, I don't need to feed tonight,
I'm not hungry... or anything.

I can't stand the night,
Cold upon my skin.
It reminds me of the fight
The evil still within.

I'm only an elf
With oversized teeth,
Getting high on evil energy.
I'm only an elf
With oversized teeth,
Looking for goodness left inside of me.

Inside of me... inside of me...
Inside of me... inside of me...

I'm only an elf
With oversized teeth,
I'm only an elf
Looking for relief
I'm only an elf
With oversized teeth,
It's not easy...
It's not easy... to be... redeemed...

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