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The Chime of Ages

This curious item is kept in the TashirTemple, a day's journey north of Alyon at the base of the EastKingsTeeth. It appears to be something like a giant wind chime with a circle of small metal rods ringing against a magical central cylinder. The small metal rods swing to and fro in strange uneven arcs, leaving a faint trail of sparkling light behind them, and at noon every day, the random patterns may result in one or more of the rods striking the central cylinder.

The central cylinder is enchanted so that pressure against it causes a small metal striking hammer to swing downward from inside. When more than one rod strikes the cylinder at a time, the metal hammer swings further down. On the floor beneath the great chime is a golden disc hanging, suspended by wires, between two posts. On years when many of the rods strike the cylinder at once, the hammer swings down almost far enough to strike the golden disc.

It is said that the monks at the TashirTemple have been training for millenia in preparation of what will happen on the day when all the rods strike at once and the hammer descends far enough to ring that golden disc. Wizards and sages have been forever curious about the Chime, but the simple room in which the Chime has rested for so many years denies magic absolutely. No spell or magical item has penetrated the ward, and powerful artifacts have at times been kept in the room as well, one of the few places in the known world where even their unique power is held at bay.

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