

Close-Quarters Fighting

Prerequisite: BAB+3, proficiency with a reach weapon.

You have learned how to fight with longer weapons in close quarters. As a move-equivalent action, you may change your grip on a reach weapon, and can now fight an adjacent opponent without penalty. You no longer threaten more than 5' away. Shifting your grip can be combined with a move.

Normal: If you've got a reach weapon and your back's to the wall, you're screwed.


Prerequisite: Close-quarters fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, BAB+6

When you are fighting in-close with a weapon that would normally be a reach weapon, you may attack with both the head and the butt of the weapon as if using a double weapon. The head strikes normally. The butt strikes as a quarterstaff, 1d6, 20/x2 critical, unless the weapon is specifically manufactured in a different form. Damage bonuses due to high strength are treated normally for two-weapon fighting. Most magical reach weapons do not have magical enchantments placed upon the butt of the weapon.

Normal: No way. You got nothin'. You screwed, boy. If you wanted to do this without training, you'd be at -4 to hit ON TOP of the two-weapon penalties.

Back-Rank Fighting

Prerequisite: BAB+1, Int 13+

You are trained in fighting with allies in front of you. When using a reach weapon to strike at an opponent, your opponents do not gain a cover bonus to AC for having one of your allies between you and themselves. You never risk harming one of your allies, even if using a weapon that can strike with reach and at close range. Enemies still gain cover normally if fighting from behind their own allies.

Normal: Enemies gain 1/2 cover (+4 AC) from combatants between you and them.

Favored Terrain

Prerequisite: Wis 13+ (or ranger)

You are able to use types of terrain to your advantage. Choose a particular type of terrain -- examples might include desert, rocky wasteland, mountainous, temperate forest, rain forest, arctic, and so forth. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls while in this terrain and able to use the terrain to your advantage -- ducking behind low-lying limbs or using your balance to attack more quickly on shifting sands. The +1 circumstance bonus applies to attack rolls, and to any skills that would make use of the terrain -- Wilderness Lore, Hide, Move Silently, and Jump would all be excellent examples.

Rangers receive this feat for free at 1st level.

Skill Proficiency

Prerequisite: Int 13+

Choose a number of cross-class skills equal to your intelligence modifier. These skills are now considered class skills for your character. They can be advanced by one rank per skill point, and have a maximum of level plus three, just like normal class skills. You may not choose skills that are restricted to specific classes (such as Animal Empathy or Decipher Script), and you do not gain any special class abilities related to new skills you take (taking Wilderness Lore does not let you track, and taking Search does not let you find traps only a rogue could detect). You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it applies to different skills. This is not a fighter or wizard bonus feat.

Perfect Pitch (Bard only)

Prerequisite: 10 or more ranks in Perform

Benefit: You no longer suffer a 20% failure penalty for casting spells or performing bardic music when deafened.


None yet. Thoughts?

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