

(aka Reflection)


Balance is the God of negotiation, balance, and equality. It is neither male nor female, and it serves no one except its own ends. In lands dominated by good, it works for evil, and in lands dominated by evil, it works for good. No one knows the true goals of Balance, but it is often called upon when a situation seems too far gone for anything else.

Priests of Balance are feared, respected, and generally left alone by the community. If they give an order, there is a good chance that it will be obeyed -- but they rarely give orders. They make excellent diplomats and negotiators, because they will always strive for a fair settlement for both parties. No one is cheated when dealing with a Priest of Balance. When fighting, a Priest of Balance may erect a specialized antimagic field in a ten foot radius around himself as a free action -- the ultimate levelling of the playing field. This field does not prevent the casting spells upon oneself, but no spell that targets the opposition or aids in combat against the opposition will work.

Priests of Balance lead a difficult life. For every choice they make, they understand that there is a consequence. Each time they choose to heal someone, they must choose to destroy someone later. Each time they choose a path of law, they must choose a path of chaos. Often these choices can be made so that no real damage is done, but any Priest of Balance has had to make serious sacrifices to stay on his path.


Knowledge, Sun, Healing, Destruction.

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

A simple circle, one-half black, the other white.

Appears as

A vaguely-humanoid gray form.


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