
The Architect

(aka the Builder, PlanMaker)

Lawful Neutral

The Architect is the builder of the gods, the smith, the creator, and the engineer. Craftsman look to the Architect, as do generals, because planning and strategy are what win wars.

Priests of the Architect, known as Builders, are respected in civilized communities. They take charge of urban development, they invent new magical and mundane items, and they are fair and honest dealers. They take little notice of politics, except to the degree that it affects their plans. Priests of the Architect have an amazing ability to study a situation and concoct solid plans. Any time they are able to prepare for a combat or other situation for at least one minute, they have a +2 bonus on all rolls for the duration of that combat, and may cast True Strike as a free action once per combat. However, should anything unexpected arise (reinforcements that were not mentioned in the plan, a spell that was not prepared for, or a surprise attack), the Builder fights at a -2 penalty, and takes a -6 penalty to initiative.


Knowledge, Law, War, Earth

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

A hammer striking an anvil.

Appears as

A powerful man in fine black armor, often carrying maps or other tools.


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