

(aka the Survivor)


Continuance is the Goddess of healing, life, and endurance. She is the goddess of perserverence in difficult situations. When harvests go badly or a relationship is not working, the priests of Continuance will work to help people make it through.

Priests of Continuance are famous as healers. In times of trouble, they help morale as well, and for that they are often used as advisors or chaplains in military organizations. Priests of Continuance heal at the amazing rate of 1 hit point per level per minute. They may also lay on hands, as a paladin, except that they may heal as much damage as they like, but that for every point of damage they heal, they take two points of damage themselves. A priest of Continuance is forbidden to refuse healing to anyone who asks for it, and they are prohibited from killing in much the same way as the priests of the Older Sister. Also, a priest of Continuance will never argue for change -- they will never help dethrone a corrupt king or spirit a woman away from an abusive husband.


Healing, Protection, Luck.

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

A hand with a heart in the palm, glowing.

Appears as

A weatherbeaten woman, stick-thin but firm in resolve.


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