
The Coward

(aka FleetFoot, the Scout)

Chaotic Neutral

The Coward is the God of thieves, cowards, and those who flee to live another day. Many hold the Coward in contempt -- in the myths, he is the one who flees battles and refuses to fight in duels. He is also the god who comes up with cunning plans, however, and who fights savagely in self-defense.

Priests of the Coward have no real standing in the community. They often wander from place to place, lending a helping hand to the poor and downtrodden while stealing from the wealthy. They rarely intercede in matters that could be dangerous, but they will always help someone run away. Priests of the Coward are immune to all detection and scrying spells unless they wish otherwise. They are also immune to fear of any kind, and are never shaken or panicked because of it. However, they are notoriously cowardly, and hear the whispers of their god telling them to run away. Any time they are hit for damage by a threatening enemy (DM's estimate), they must make a Will save (DC generally 15, but varies by situation) or do everything they can to get away. If they cannot escape (surrounded, barred door, etc) they immediately fly into a rage as per the barbarian ability.


Chaos, Trickery, Knowledge, Protection.

Favored Weapon

Rapier or Shortsword

Iconic Symbol

A winged boot.

Appears as

A thin man lurking in the shadows, concealed by a cloak.


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