
The Temptress

(aka Lady of Choices, Queen of Damnation)

Neutral Evil

The Temptress is the Goddess of temptation, of trickery and evil. When a paladin falls or a good man gives in and turns to evil, the Temptress is often at fault. She is a hidden deity, rarely voiced, though it is said she will willingly help non-worshippers whenever asked... for a price.

The Kindling, as the Priests of the Temptress call themselves, never advertise their presence or their nature. They are rarely welcomed, and their priesthood is an elaborate secret society. The Kindling are made especially dangerous by the fact that they may Detect Thoughts at will, usually to ascertain what their target wants or fears most in life, and what they would do to get it. They have no special disadvantages, except that their Goddess expects them to convert a certain number of souls to evil each week, and should the Kindling fall behind, they will not be treated well.


Evil, Trickery, Luck, Fire

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

Half a woman's face, smiling, the rest lost in shadow.

Appears as

A beautiful, sexually-charged woman wearing very little.


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