
The Prophet

(aka LoreKeeper, Riddle, Mystery)


The Prophet is the God of Mystery and Magic. When the inscrutable is being studied, the Prophet is invoked. He empowers knowledge both for good and for ill, and often conceals as much as he reveals. Sages and Wizards are popular worshippers of the Prophet.

Priests of the Prophet are usually found in positions of learning, either formally as sages or professors, or informally as soothsayers and foretellers of doom. They have an uncanny sense of the future -- this should be roleplayed most of the time, although a conscious attempt to learn of something can be made (level+Wisdom modifier check, usually DC20). Just as often, they are compelled to lie, to conceal, or to keep shrouded in mystery something that the party might want to know. This often manifests as Merlin syndrome: The priest knows where the kidnapped child is being kept, but also knows that if the party learns the location from him and not from other sources, the child will die. In general, there is a 30% chance that some piece of information must be kept hidden or lied about. With close friends and confidantes, this chance is only 10%. This should be roleplayed, with bonuses or penalties awarded accordingly.


Magic, Knowledge, Trickery.

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

A book which is half-opened, the letters just becoming visible even as part of the book is starting to burn.

Appears as

A cowled and cloaked humanoid figure who is never fully seen.


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