
The HearthMistress

(aka Quiet Lady, The Muse)

Neutral Good

The HearthMistress is the goddess of the home, of study, and of the beneficial uses of that study. She is popular with good-aligned wizards, as well as with those who work in professions that require intelligence.

While not as involved in politics as the Foundation or the SkyQueen, priests of the HearthMistress are often advisors on sage matters, or as experts in legal affairs. Priests of the HearthMistress are masters of the arcane. When dealing with riddles or other tests of intelligence, they gain one more attempt than normal. They may also, through quiet introspection and meditation, ask one question of the goddess per week. The answer may come in a sign or riddle, or it may not come at all -- but if the question is knowledge related ("What is the connection between the orc raids and the dragon attacks on the town?" versus "How can I kill that dragon who's attacking us?") there is a good chance it will be answered. Priests of the HearthMistress need a solid place to live and study. While they are free to travel for up to a week out of any two month period, barring special circumstances they must remain at home beyond that.


Good, Magic, Knowledge, Healing

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

An opened book with light shining from between its pages.

Appears as

A slight, cloaked figure with a book in her lap.


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