Chaotic Good
The Wanderer is the God of travels, journeys, roads and quests. He is a popular god with thieves, rangers, bards, traders and scouts. Those who worship the wanderer are those who, while they may enjoy the company of a chosen few, will never settle down in one place.
Priests of the Wanderer generally do not associate with a single village or town. They have little in the way of an organized religion, though they always recognize a fellow priest and offer them any available comfort. They are forbidden to settle in one place for any great length of time -- renting a room for a few months is acceptable, but building a strong stone house and living there when not on the road is not. A priest of the wanderer never becomes lost, and gains a +4 to all saves related to natural environmental dangers -- deserts, tundras, swamps and mountains hold little danger for them. They are also immune to maze spells.
An ageless figure in travelworn clothes, often seated at a campfire.
A figure at a crossroads
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