
The SkyQueen

(aka the KindLady, the AllMother)

Lawful Good

The Sky Queen is the wife of the Foundation, and the Goddess of weather, air, and the sun. While her husband leans toward common sense and good politics, the Sky Queen takes primary interest in fair play, compassion and mercy. She is thus a popular goddess among the poor and the weak.

Priests of the Sky Queen are an equal part of the same church that worships the Foundation. They each serve in different ways, with the High Priests of the Sky Queen and Foundation co-ruling. Thus, priests of the Sky Queen share the same limitations in terms of obedience to the church hierarchy. In addition, priests of the Sky Queen have an almost physical reaction to the pain of others, especially the poor and weak. This is usually roleplayed, but in exceptional cases a Will save (DC 15) may be required to avoid being stunned by the pain of others. The up side to this is that this empathy allows priests of the Sky Queen to know infallibly the emotions of another unless they are magically protected from scrying, and to detect lies (Sense motive for free at one rank per level, in addition to any other ranks in the skill). Failure indicates that the priest cannot tell whether the person is lying or not, not that the priest automatically believes a lie. Also, once per week the priest may embrace the winds -- this manifests as either a feather fall or fly spell, except that the priest must be outdoors, and the spell has a duration of ten minutes per level.


Air, Law, Good, Sun, Fire

Favored Weapon

Heavy Mace

Iconic Symbol

An angelic figure silhouetted against a shining sun.

Appears as

A regal woman with a crown of blue-white light.


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