
The Foundation

(aka Earth King, Lord of All)

Lawful Good

The Foundation is the God of the earth, of crops, animals, and general goodness. He is among the most popular of the Gods among human worshippers, and is worshipped by all farmers along with the Sky Queen. In most religious views, he is the king of the gods.

Priests of the Foundation are expected to be village leaders, sources of wisdom and guidance. In matters of crops and the land, they are infallible. This does not mean that they are omniscient, only that they will know if an answer is wrong. While all the good gods are popular, the Foundation is revered by all, and all good and neutral commoners will naturally follow a Foundation priest. Once per week per level, a priest of the foundation may make a suggestion affecting his level times his Cha bonus in Hit Dice of common folk. Such a suggestion must be for the good of the town or for good in general. Using it to convince farmers to store most of their crops (an unpopular action) against a harsh winter is acceptable. Using it to convince them to give the party free room and board is not. Priest of the Foundation have a well-organized and established hierarchy, and they are expected, by other priests and by the Foundation himself, to obey the will of that organization.


Earth, Law, Good, Plant, Animal

Favored Weapon


Iconic Symbol

A single mountain standing proudly, with the sun shining behind it.

Appears as

Regal figure with shining crown


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