
The OathMaker

(aka Lord of Order, King of Truth)

Lawful Neutral

The OathMaker is the God of Law, Justice, and Truth. His priests act as lawkeepers for the Demonwood towns, where they are respected by the good and feared by the evil. The Oathmaker is not a merciful god, but he is a just one -- he is never unnecessarily harsh, and he inflicts severe punishments on those who would twist the law to gain advantage. A corrupt sheriff or self-serving magistrate has even more to fear than a petty thief, because what the OathMaker prizes above all is honesty and keeping of promises.

Law Priests, as they are known, are most often peacekeepers, judges, or barristers. They make passable diplomats once initial entreaties are past -- they are often brusque and rude, but they write excellent and surpassingly fair contracts. A priest of law has the ability to Detect Lies at will, and is infallible in matters of accurately judging contests -- sporting contests, for example, as in a race whose result was too close for ordinary people to call. Law priests are also respected in almost all civilized areas, and are rarely attacked for fear of retribution. Law priests are forbidden to lie. Good priests do not distort the truth at all, while evil priests hold to the letter of what they said. Any attempt by a law priest to break or circumvent a known law, even with good intentions, causes them to take a -2 penalty on all rolls while breaking the law. In addition, they lose all Law Domain spells until they confess and do penance.


Law, War, Travel, Strength.

Favored Weapon

Flail (any, including Dire)

Iconic Symbol

A flail whose head eclipses a shining sun.

Appears as

A tall, thin man wearing gray clothes, with a stern expression on his face.


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