

(aka WorldReaver, WatcherBane, Destroyer)

Chaotic Evil

The Cataclysm is the Goddess of nature's destructive fury. While she relishes in wars as much as any destructive being, she gets her greatest joy out of watching an earthquake or volcano ravage the land and destroy all that humanity has tried to create.

Destroyers, as Priests of the Cataclysm are known, have no place in society. They are feared, almost as much as the DeathPriests are feared, because of their hatred for cities and worked places. Unlike Priests of the Wild One, the fact that the Destroyers want to use nature to destroy has corrupted their immunity to natural hazards. They still receive a +4 to all saves against natural hazards, however, and a +2 to combat that takes place in a natural setting. They also emanate a field that causes hostility in all beasts and humanoids within 100' of the Destroyer, as per the spell. A Destroyer in a city or other civilized area fights at a -1 penalty for every three hours they spend in the city, up to a maximum of -6. After a full day in a civilized area, they lose spellcasting ability until they return to nature and make penance.


Evil, Chaos, Destruction, Animal, Plant.

Favored Weapon

Double Axe

Iconic Symbol

An erupting volcano with smoke shaped like a skull.

Appears as

An enormously muscled woman with fire flaring from her eyes.


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