
Marnealin's Paradox

The Sage Marnealin, Sworn of Wyrbuld, is famous for his paradox of logic. He states that perfect order is the goal of the OathMaker and therefore his priests. Since all creatures must have order within them in order to survive, muscles and organs all working together, then all creatures are ordered to some extent. Therefore, every creature has a place in the OathMaker's plan, and so the destruction of any creature is a step away from that perfect plan. The paradox is that in some cases destruction is necessary in order to reach a better-ordered place. And since only the OathMaker can truly see the most ordered solution, only the OathMaker's priests should have the judgment necessasry to destroy or remove creatures from this world.

Marnealin's Paradox is often used by OathMaker priests when charges of cruelty or conflicts of interest are laid against them.

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