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Ogre Jelly

Episode Number: (TG107)
Original Airdate: 11/2000

After a brief interlude where Arlemis sneaks out and sees Salin decimate two goblins and warn the other ones to leave, the party decides to go after the CrusherClan -- the goblins led by the Ogre and Troll. Their plan goes awry after Lome makes some interesting combat choices, and the battle is hard-won.

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Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:

DMP Speaks:

This was another boundary-breaker. You've got an ogre who double-wields and consders himself a finesse fighter, and you've got a troll casting spells. Mean spells. And making himself immune to fire.

It's a troll! How can it cast spells? It has an Int of like 6!

It's a very exceptional troll. Just like there are very exceptional people.

About the pipes.

The pipes are a set of magical instruments that someone like Tierney might be able to play to create some sort of more powerful magical effect than he otherwise would have access to.

You didn't really answer the question at all.

No, I didn't.

Notable Quotes:

Said many times by many people, mostly by a grinning Patrick: "Come on. Use the pipes. Don't be a pussy."

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