
The Pilgrim

Okay, the quick and dirty... I'm at work, and I don't have time to make it all pretty and stuff.

An idea for a clerical variant:

He's essentially the divine equivalent of a sorcerer -- he channels his energy directly from his god, inspiring others with his zeal and his passion.

Hit Dice, BAB, Armor, and Weapons: As Cleric

Skills: As Cleric, but add the Perform skill.

Spells: Oookay.

He uses Charisma, not Wisdom for determining bonus spells and save DCs.

He uses the Sorcerer spell progression table, and chooses his spells from the Cleric's spell list.

He automatically learns (for free) either Cure or Inflict spells, depending on what kind of energy he instinctively channels.

He gets one Clerical Domain, and the appropriate Domain spell -- which occupies one of his normal slots. He does NOT get a bonus "Domain" slot. This spell slot needs to be kept track of separately, since it can't be channeled away into some other spell.

He turns undead just like a cleric. (Not sure about this one)

He gains the musical abilities of a bard -- Inspire Courage, Competence, Greatness, etc.

He's considered a member of his god's church, although he rarely has anything to do with the church hierarchy. Most Pilgrims wander the world, seeking to show everyone the power of their god.

The good: He can survive REALLY WELL on just one high ability score. He casts spontaneously, and isn't useless in combat, given that he can cast spells in armor just like a cleric.

The bad: Not sure how well clerical spell progression works with limited spells. He might be TOO focused on Charisma, and he ends up with a lot more spells than the sorcerer, given that he gets Cure spells AND his domain spell. The Turn Undead ability might need to go away.

Other: Maybe lose the armor proficiencies, heavy and maybe medium, and get more skills/skill points. Not sure. You don't really think of a holy pilgrim as tromping around in Full Plate...

If anyone wants to play one of these, lemme know. We'll see how it works.

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