
Prestige Class: Prostitute

A prostitute is adept at both physical and emotional manipulation of those who are attracted to her. Most often she does this for personal financial gain, or that of her employer. She is also quite capable at defending herself from those who would throw their affections on her.

High-level prostitutes are often successful in business, diplomacy, negotiations, and matters that require interpersonal skills. Some are even accomplished artists, using their talents to perform in front of audiences.

5 ranks each in: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Carnal), Perform, Profession (Oldest).
Hit Dice
Charisma is very important; Dexterity somewhat less so.
5+Int per level
Class Skills
Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Innuendo, Jump, Knowledge (Carnal), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Pick Pockets, Profession (Oldest), Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope.
all Simple weapons
as Rogue
all good, progressing as Monk
light armor, no shields

Abilities by Level

  1. Binding, Flurry of Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike
  2. Talk Dirty, Improvised Weaponry
  3. Threat of Intimate Bodily Harm
  4. Exhaustion
  5. Clean Body, Combat Reflexes
  6. Infatuate
  7. Madam

Binding(Ex): The prostitute's legs are powerful, and she is skilled at using her own body, as well as surrounding objects, to immobilize those with whom she is in close contact. While grappling, she may substitute her Use Rope skill for her Strength or Dexterity modifier if she intends to immobilize an opponent. Additionally, she receives her prostitute level as a bonus to all other Use Rope checks. This may be used whenever the need arises.

Improved Unarmed Strike: as the feat in the Player's Handbook.

Flurry of Blows(ex): Slightly different than the monk ability of the same name. 'Nuff said.

Talk Dirty(Su): By speaking a few choice words, the prostitute can distract a compatible target from clear thinking. If the target fails a Will save against DC 15 + prostitute level + charisma bonus, the target loses any positive ability score bonuses to Intelligence- and Wisdom-based skills. (If the bonus was 0 or lower, it is reduced by 2.) Concentration checks are at -1 while under the influence of this ability. This lasts 1d6 minutes per prostitute level, up to a maximum of 10d6 minutes. This ability is gained at 2nd level, and she may use it a number of times per day equal to her prostitute level.

Improvised Weaponry(Ex): The prostitute is quite capable at defending herself even when there appear to be no suitable weapons around. Unless circumstances specifically prohibit it, the prostitute will always be able to find some sort of object close to her person which may be used as an effective weapon. Such weapons will usually be capable of 1d6 damage, and sometimes 1d8, at the Dungeon Master's discretion. This is neither spell-like nor supernatural; it just happens, and very little short of being in a completely bare room will stop it. While armed in this way, the prostitute is considered to have Combat Reflexes, as per the feat.

Threat of Intimate Bodily Harm(Su): The prostitute can convince others not to willingly harm her by making detailed threats of the extreme pain she would like to inflict upon the target's more sensitive areas. The target must make a Will save against DC 15 + prostitute level + charisma bonus, or be rendered unable to cause direct harm to the prostitute for one day. This ability is gained at 3rd level, and may be used a number of times per week equal to the user's prostitute level.

Exhaustion(Su): By rendering services according to her profession, the prostitute is able to induce exhaustion and sleep in her customers. The target must make a Fortitude save against DC 10 + prostitute level + Knowledge (Carnal). If it fails, the target must sleep for 1d4 hours. The prostitute may delay the urge to sleep by up to one hour if she so chooses. This ability is gained at 4th level, and may be used once per day.

Clean Body(Su): At 5th level, the prostitute may Cure Disease (as per the Divine spell) in herself once per week. She also has some degree of control over her fertility. No more often than once per week, if she makes a Fortitude save against DC 20, she may reset her menstrual cycle to any point she chooses. Her cycle proceeds normally after that point. The Dungeon Master rolls this check secretly. Failure brings no immediate ill effects, though evidence of failure may become apparent later...

Combat Reflexes: as the feat in the Player's Handbook. This is gained at 5th level, regardless of ability score requsites.

Infatuate(Ex): The prostitute can induce powerful feelings in total strangers. This effect acts like the Charm Person spell, cast by a sorceror of the prostitute's level and charisma, but it is neither a spell nor a supernatural ability. The ability functions as Charm Person in all other respects. This ability is gained at 6th level, and may be used once per week.

Madam(Ex): At 7th level, The prostitute may open her own brothel, and will attract (1d6 + charisma bonus) regular employees. She may only have one operating brothel at a time. The total income of the brothel will be enough to support all those who work there, plus the Madam, plus a little left over for building maintenance and such.


Though much of this matter was written assuming the prostitute is humanoid and female, Dungeon Masters should feel to adapt this material to different social situations and cultures, changing genders, sexual orientations, and species as necessary.

Male prostitutes gain the Cure Disease portion of Clean Body only.

Lea, you were asking for it. -- Tony

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