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The Order of the Sickle

(aka Reapers)

Popularly known as the Reapers, this is a group of druidic monks who have taken it upon themselves to act as avenging forces of druidic order. While druid-fighters and druid-rangers are good in combat, and druid-wizards can become respected in the magical arts, druid-monks benefit from a unique synergy of the monk's discipline and self-reliance and the druid's shapeshifting and magical abilities.

There is no particular monastary for the Reapers. They train in the wild. Among monks, they are held to be odd and possessed of some faintly strange religious beliefs, but definitely respectable for their determination. Among druids, they are looked upon with respect and fear -- while not everyone approves of the Reapers and their vicious attacks on those who commit crimes against druids of all orders, there are few druids who would oppose them. After all, you want might someone to avenge you someday...

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