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The WorldRose

Approximately 4000 years ago, a half-elven sage, Vendicant, wrote a document which favored law over chaos quite strongly. He described the universe as being like a flower -- or,as he called it, the WorldRose.

The good gods lived at the top of the rose -- the Lawful Good gods lived in the seeds themselves, while the Chaotic Good gods lived in the petals. The Neutral gods lived in the stem of the WorldRose, with the Lawful gods living on the stem and thorns and the Chaotic gods forming leaves. The Lawful Evil gods formed the roots, and the Chaotic Evil gods were weeds that tried to choke the WorldRose to death.

Vendicant had little idea that his work would be so widely accepted, both by Lawful and Chaotic advocates. Lawful groups point out that the stem, roots, and seeds are the truly important parts of the plant, while Chaotics argue that leaves and petals are equally important, and even the weeds help the plant to stay strong through competition. Several societies formed over the years relating to this metaphor. Most famous were the ScatteredPetals, a group of Chaotic good individuals fighting evil on an individual basis. The OrderOfThorns is a Lawful Neutral group that seeks to spread Order across the land.

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