Episode Number: (TG419)
Original Airdate: 9/2002
[Ed. note: I don't fully remember what happened near the beginning of this episode. Please fill in. -geordan]
Sendant has been been given command of a task force to clear out any threats in the northlands. Greymalkin Argent is his lieutenant.
Yadarjin is a suspect in the homicide of a merchant who was petrified, telekinetically thrown into a wall, and disintegrated (not necessarily in that order). A couple members from Subsection Three have been seen frequenting Arcanae, "keeping an eye" on him.
Yadarjin has asked Arlemis to defend him from an unnamed threat. Arlemis suspects that a powerful agent of the Ta'bar'pur is coming after Yadarjin, and has the party prepare for it -- which involves eschewing nearly all of their magic items. However, instead of facing one powerful creature, the party is beset by air elementals and a pack of umber hulks.
Tierney: So... has business been picking up lately?
Yadarjin: ...Yes.
Patrick: Make an Innuendo check.
Timus: But that spell didn't help last time.
Sendant: Yeah, but there was plot.
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