

Unless you're an elf, or a half-elf raised by an elven parent, you don't get to read this. So bugger off.

Elven-blooded folks, please read on.




The Dream

There is a dream all elves share. It is rarely discussed, except after lots of drinking, and never in front of those not of elven blood. It has never been written down, and it has never been told to a non-elf. Mad wizards or evil warlords who were curious or angry or afraid have tried to pry that dream from the lips of their elven prisoners, but they have never succeeded. Not ever. Every night when an elf goes into the trance, forsaking sleep for clarity, there is a moment, just before the void and the freedom, where they see... feel... experience...

    Until forever
And then, inevitable, the light changes
One becomes none
    One becomes many
        One becomes legion in a shattering pain
Still beautiful, still perfect
This other place of angled light and unity
But pained, from what was
    From the unity
The other place beckons
A places of rules
Moving toward it, pulling, drawn
And an elf, skin of sunlessbluesky
Lays a hand on my head
    i have a head, now?
And says, "Remember only what you need,
Watch, Learn, Grow,

And it's all...

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