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Tree Huggers

Episode Number: (TG101)
Original Airdate: 8/2000

The pilot episode. The party is formed and starts out on their journey. Octopiri threaten them from the very beginning.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:

DMP Speaks:

What about the unaired pilot episode?

I'm very proud of the pilot episode. It got us on the air, so it must have done its job. Once we actually got a budget, though, and had the chance to really do this, it turned out not to meet our needs. You look at Arlemis in the pilot, and he's not even really formed as a character yet. Also, test audiences really wanted another person in the party, kind of a smart-alecky wisecracker. Tierney turned out to be very important to the story arc. Having a pilot aired without him in it wouldn't make sense. And looking back on it, it really just looks like they ran into a bunch of goblins and killed them. Not a lot of vital story there.

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