Twingate Dragons

Twingate Dragons

This knowledge is available only to those who have ranks in either Knowledge (Arcane) or a personal relationship with a dragon.

Dragons in Twingate are not dragons from the monster manual. They are different. This difference could be large and important for the PCs, and it would be grossly unfortunate were any PCs to die because their players metagamed and then got eaten because my dragons aren't the dragons they were expecting.

Colors versus Metals

Chromatic dragons are generally evil. Not exclusively, but generally.

It is rumored that all dragons are essentially of the same stock, and that a dragon undergoes tests while still in the egg. These tests determine the character of the dragon. The dragon, when born, is the appropriate color for its temperment and personality. This is why there are very few good colored dragons, or evil metallic ones.

Metallic dragons are generally good. Please note that "Good" does not equal "Nice." If you attack a good dragon, the good dragon is going to wipe you off the face of the earth. If you try to steal from a good dragon, the good dragon is going to wipe you off the face of the earth. If you are disrespectful to a good dragon, you can expect to be kicked out of the lair minus a few items, or with some embarrassing spells cast upon you for your trouble.

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