
Warthos is the companion, dare we say familar of Timus. Appearing at some point in Season Two, Warthos is a toad of fine distinction, but don't mistake his diminutive (ok, fine, make that Tiny) stature and animal appearance for the sum of his person. Sharing a telepathic bond with Timus, he has learned much from the party's adventures, even if he spent much of the time in Tim's knapsack. His insights are often useful, even if they are usually passed off as Tim's own ideas. ;)

Warthos opted to spend most of the adventures (including, oddly, the outside-of-the-normal-time-stream run-in with the Ta'bar'pur) after "Wild Accusations and Stabs in the Dark" as a raven, suffering a rather abrupt (but quite expedient) reversal of form when trapped underwater in "Lockpicking in the Aquarium"


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