bloodmist lurker

Bloodmist Lurker

Huge Aberration

HD: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
Init: -5 (Dex)
Move: 10'
Face/Reach: 25'x25'/15' reach
AC: 13 (5 Dex, -2 Size, +10 Natural)
Attack: (-2 Size, BAB+9, Str+5)= 8 Claws +12 melee, Sting +10 melee
Damage: Claws 2d4+5, Sting 1d6+2 and poison
Special Attacks: Bloodmist
Special Qualities: Amorphous, Blindsight
Saves: F:+9 R:+1 W:+8
Abilities: Str:20 Dex:1 Con:17 Int:10 Wis:10 Cha: 10
Feats: Multidexterity, Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude
Skills: Hide+7*, Spot+12, Listen+12
Alignment: Always neutral
Organization: Solitary
Climate/Terrain: Underground
Treasure: Double normal
Challenge Rating: 6

The bloodmist lurker is a creature that evolved to fill the scavenger niche. A huge, bloated monstrosity, it clings to ceilings and blends into the rocks, striking down on opponents by surprise.

The bloodmist lurker does not speak, but understands Common.

Combat: The bloodmist lurker is intelligent enough to lay traps for the unwary adventurer. It is not cruel or malicious, simply hungry. Its lack of mobility and modest attacks make it vulnerable in a normal fight, and it will sometimes let adventurers pass unharmed if it feels threatened. If it does attack, it uses its reach, choosing attack areas where it can strike at opponents, but opponents cannot reach high enough to strike back. A ceiling that is 20 feet high allows the bloodmist lurker to strike with ease, while remaining out of reach of melee attacks.

Posion(ex): Initial damage, 1d8 Dexterity. Secondary damage, 1d8 Dexterity.

Amorphous(ex): The bloodmist lurker is immune to critical hits, as it has no discernable anatomy.

Bloodmist(ex): By spraying out the blood of its last meal, the lurker may fill an area up to 50' in radius with a blood-red mist. The mist is not dangerous, but it gives the bloodmist lurker full concealment, and often causes confusion, with adventurers hacking around them to all sides, never realizing that the bloodmist lurker is above them.

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