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A Day in the Crosshairs

Episode Number: (TG508)
Original Airdate: 12/2002

While leaving Twingate, the party (well, Arly) is attacked by an unknown sniper. Heading for Alyon and a meeting with Timus' sister, the party is attacked by a brace of dragons, young but still dangerous. After dispatching them, the party reaches Alyon, Arly gets sniped at some more, and Gryffid gets insulted and then challenged to a duel by someone who seems to have inside information on the Gryffster.

Watch For

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


This was a combat-heavy episode, especially the part with the dragons. Three dragons are exceptionally deadly, especially when they don't have to worry about catching each other in their breath weapons. These dragons were juvenile and young adult, and would have gone down pretty fast on their own.

Also, you don't really miss those blade barriers until they're gone, ya know?

DMP Speaks

Dang, that was a heck of a critical. I mean, a HECK of a critical. Wow.

Otherwise, pretty much a chance to attack the party with things that weren't immediately identifiable as TBP, which was kind of nice.

Arly Speaks

What's with all the running away?

I'm not running for long. I'm gonna strike back, and when I do it'll be on my terms.

Quotable Notes

Tim: I'm going to turn you into Pegases for a while.
Arly: Pegasi.
Tim: *pfthoom*

Pat: The [Pegasus] wings are in the way.
Dave: They're translucent!
Pat: ...
Dave: ...It doesn't say they aren't!

Arly: Hey Gryff... how come no one's trying to kill you?
Pat: Oh yeah! Tony, make a Listen check.

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