
Prestige Class: Black Knight

Black Knight

The Black Knights are the fighting elite of the Black Pillar. They fight with intelligence, tenacity, and honor, but are absolutely merciless.

Requirements: A Black Knight must have a Base Attack of +4 or higher, have 8 ranks in Knowledge (Religion), and have at least one level of Cleric as a Priest of the Black Pillar.

Hit Dice: 1d10

Skills: 2+Int per level Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (Religion), Profession, Ride

Class Features:

Weapons: A Black Knight is proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons, and with the Double Sword.

Attacks: as fighter (+1 Base Attack/level)

Saves: Fortitude good -- also, a Black Knight adds his Charisma Bonus, if any, to all Saves

Armor: All Armor, no shields

Class Abilities:

In determining what spells the Black Knight can cast, his levels as Black Knight count as half levels of Divine Spellcasting Ability. A 3rd level Cleric/4th level Black Knight has the spell selection and ability as a 5th level Cleric. The Black Knight still turns undead as a 3rd level Cleric, however.

Abilities by level:

  1. Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Detect and Smite Good or Chaos
  2. Two Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity
  3. Aura of Courage, Wrath of Vengeance 1/day
  4. Divine Health
  5. Improved Two Weapon Fighting
  6. Wrath of Vengeance 2/day
  7. Oath 1/week
  8. Illusion Immunity
  9. Wrath of Vengeance 3/day
  10. Oath 2/week

Divine Grace: As the paladin ability.

Lay on Hands: As the paladin ability.

Detect / Smite Chaos / Good: The Black Knight chooses which diametrically opposed alignment to smite when first he becomes a Black Knight, and he may not change it. Most Lawful Neutral Black Knights choose Chaos.

Aura of Courage: As the paladin ability

Two Weapon Fighting: If the Black Knight does not have this proficiency, he receives it for free.

Ambidexterity: If the Black Knight does not have this proficiency, he receives it for free.

Divine Health: As the paladin ability.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting: If the Black Knight does not have this proficiency, he receives it for free.

Mettle (Ex): On a Fortitude or Will save for half damage, the Black Knight takes no damage on a successful save. On poisons, one save is all that is necessary.

Wrath of Vengeance (Ex): When defending or avenging an innocent victim or some heinous crime commited against a worshipper of the Black Pillar, the Knight transforms into a veritable whirlwind of destruction. He adds his Charisma bonus to all attacks and damage rolls, gains SR 20, and can continue to fight even when at negative hit points. The effect lasts for 3 rounds plus the Knight's Con bonus, and when it is over the Knight is winded, much like a Barbarian coming out of rage.

Oath (Su): The Black Knight may voluntarily pledge himself to some quest or goal. This gives the Knight a +2 morale bonus on all attacks, skill checks, and saves while undertaking the task. This bonus only applies to moments when the Knight is actually undertaking the task. For example, if the Knight pledged to slay a dragon and then gets into a fight in a bar the night before, he would not receive his morale bonus. If he got into a fight with worshippers of the dragon, however, who were trying to stop him, he would get the bonus. The Oath lasts one day per level of the Black Knight. If the Knight chooses not to complete the Oath or is not successful, he suffers as though he left a Quest or Geas spell. The effects continue for five days after the Oath itself would have ended.

Illusion Immunity (Su): The Black Knight recognizes illusions for what they are. This does not allow him to see through them -- he could not identify a doppleganger, but he could see that someone was using an illusion to alter their form. This ability works at will, but only actively. The Black Knight must take a moment to look at something to see the illusion.


The Black Knight must obey a stringent moral code. The code is as follows:

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