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Deus Ex Southwest Corner

Episode Number: (TG104)
Original Airdate: 10/2000

The party rests and interrogates a prisoner, and finds one of the wagon merchants. Gryffid has a divine visitation, as does Lome. Leny gets a magical axe. There's an encounter with an evil elf where Arlemis picks up some new equipment. Tierney picks up some new undead friends.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:

DMP Speaks:

He obviously painted himself into a corner by getting half the party killed, and had to come up with the whole message from God thing to get out of it.

Now, this is the kind of thing I don't get. It's a Fantasy world, with deities who have an active role, and then you get all freaked out when a deity takes an active role. Just because it happened to come at exactly the time when the party needed it, that doesn't mean I was "painted into a corner." If you look at earlier episodes and look at the map they're reading, you'll see that the Temple of the BrightBlade was always there.

The undead make the party too powerful. Why should I be worried about them if they have a bunch of skeletal warriors to do the fighting?

Because there are things meaner than skeletal warriors in the keep. Much, much meaner.

Leny should use a longsword.

Just because Leny is a paladin doesn't mean she has to use a longsword. I talked with the actress before shooting even began, and she told me that she wanted to break the typical paladin mold. As a slightly clumsy half-elven paladin who goes around with a battle axe, Lelenia can be something new, something we haven't seen before. She might even surprise you.

The fight with Brel the evil elf was way too easy.

You know, sometimes things just don't come out the way you planned. The actor playing Brel did a great read, we are all proud to have him, but when it came to shooting the fight scene, he just didn't really work well at all. We ended up shortening the fight a lot just so that the choreography wouldn't be as bad. Every once in awhile there's a particular scene you'd like to apologize for. That's one of mine, right there.

Arlemis got all the good stuff.

Yeah, that's possibly a matter that'll be dealt with in the future.

(7/2001): The curse affected him because he took both of the swords. If he'd only taken one, the curse wouldn't have gone after him. So it was some of the greed that had been going on there that came back to bit him in the butt.

(10/2001): You know, it was one of those things where everyone just felt it didn't go quite perfectly last time, but we all knew it had the potential to be really great. Steve (the actor playing Brel) was busy for awhile doing some shooting. He's a recurring character on Enterprise. But he told me he'd be off for a few weeks. He's an amazing actor, he's got a much better range, and fighting as a vampire is much more effective for him, since he doesn't have to use the sword as much, and we can speed him up due to his vampiricity. Really works out well for everyone.

Well, except the party. Duh.

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