
Elven Memory

The tricky thing is, no one really knows where elves come from. Ask a human, and they either look at you funny and tell you that they come from Mommy and Daddy like most other species, or they shrug and say that the elves are kind of like the fey, that they just spring up.

According to dwarves, and humans with some Knowledge ranks, elves actually come from someplace else. Or they just appear. Elven women don't usually show pregnancy, unless the child if a half-elf.

Until approximately a thousand years ago, elves came into the world at the equivalent of their early twenties. Due to their rate of aging, humans did some math and decided that those elves had to be a hundred years old -- but in fact, many of those hundred year old elves had just arrived. With their arrival came a kind of giddy euphoria and a sense of wonder in commonplace things. They could read and write and speak, but the experience of being in this world was obviously a new one. Many of the stereotypes of the giddy, laughing elf come from this time period, and have stuck despite changing times.

In the last thousand years, elven children have been seen. Perhaps it was a natural evolution, or perhaps the elves somehow sensed that the other races would be disturbed if the elves didn't appear to reproduce naturally. These newcomers arrive at a stage between seven and twelve human years -- post-toddler, pre-adolescent. Some elves still arrive as young adults, however, so there are still adult elves who are giddy and silly and enchanted at the idea of trees and water and sunlight.

In either case, the newcomer usually appears near an elven couple, who take the newcomer in, either as a child or as a "cousin" who arrived from far away. They stay with the elven couple for their childhood, if they arrive as children, or for approximately a year or two, if they arrived as young adults.

But where are the elves before they come to this place?

Only the elves know.

And they aren't telling.

They never have, they never will.

If you are playing an elf or half-elf who was raised by an elven parent, you can read about TheDream. If not, shoo.

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