Giants live, for the most part, in the West and East Kingsteeth. A powerful and
dangerous group of creatures, they range from bloodthirsty and stupid to cunning
and even friendly.
As creatures with the power to shatter rocks and tear trees out by their roots,
giants long ago evolved a subtle and delicate form of manners. Giant etiquette serves
to keep the peace between different factions, different tribes, and different
races, and keeps fights short and personal. A full-scale giant war would be
devastating to the surrounding countryside, and if different factions began
recruiting from among the savage races of minotaurs, ogres, goblins, and gnolls,
it could easily spiral out of control.
Common etiquette includes:
- Greetings that indicate why you are entering another giant's territory
- Compliments to the surrounding landscape, an implicit suggestion that the giant is in control the area
- Offerings of food -- if two giants share food, they are as brothers until the next rising and setting of the sun
Common forms of settling disputes include:
- Duels that are limited to throwing rocks. Each giant may only carry a certain number, and when they run out, they must both agree to gather more. This allows the would-be loser to back out without losing face.
- Contests -- who can crack a boulder first, who can throw a rock the farthest, etc.
- Drinking contests. Giants are huge on these.
- The Woodsman's Battle. Both giants cover their clubs with bushes from the surrounding areas. The resulting clubs do only subdual damage.
- Shattering of Stones. The giants take turns pummeling each other with their bare hands. Treat the attacks as attacks on stunned opponents; coup de grace attempts and sneak attack damage are not allowed, and the goal is to knock out or knock down the opponent.
Giants who lose positions of leadership are usually banished. These giants often
end up leading groups of savage humanoids, leading the weaker because they could not
lead the stronger...
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