Language: BasicVocabulary | GrammarAndUsage | IdiomAndExamples
(?) sub -- obj -- verb mod -- verb --char mod -- char
The "ta" modifier is strong in the language, and use of it on its own means "no". It can modify either the verb or the characteristic. Modification of the verb is stronger than modification of the characteristic, and implies more of an emphatic.
The "ta" modifier on characteristics usually implies the reverse of the standard meaning, but in some cases the "ta" modifier creates a different, not opposite, meaning.
The "o" object pronoun does not necessarily refer to an inanimate object. If the object being referred to is easily guessable, through pointing or through reference in the conversation, the "i" pronoun is more common, even if the thing being referred to is an inanimate object. There are no animate or gender distinctions.
The "o" object is used when a specific person, term, or idea has been given the "o" definition.
Words can be compounded. This can be a simple two-word compounding, or a multiple compounding. Each individual characteristic can be modified with "ta", and the "ta" applies only to that characteristic.
Separation of characteristics into separate words is usually more a matter of inflection for the sake of coherence, rather than a conscious decision. The "ta" modifier always attaches to the characteristic or verb it modifies.