
Idiom and Examples

Language: BasicVocabulary | GrammarAndUsage | IdiomAndExamples

Used in email

tadel shyr falmirwys!

not-much time teach/clarity/help

Or, recent (new) information

o en torri wys - ? en o rel mir

it you-all will relate help. you it desire clarity?

It'll help you out -- wanna find/get it?

Used in game

ta'bar'pur, a in tanri tafal tadel tahil wys
Ta'bar'pur, I them related not-teacher not-strong not-enjoy help
I was a servile, weak, slave to the ta'bar'pur, and I hated it.

hil has several uses, as does del. Hil can mean enjoy, and it can also mean friend. Del can mean much, as well as strength or power.

del'shyr hil
Much time friend
Thank you.

a un tanra mir. un a tari lun
I world did-observe clarity. World me does not relate authority.
I understood everything. Nothing controls me now.

The language is a bit vague on consecutive events. In the future, slapping "thon" on the beginning of a sentence might imply "next" or "then". The term "mir" means clarity as well as understanding.


a e ra hil
"I you observe enjoy"
"I see that you are happy"

a e ra tahil
"I you observe dislike"
"I see you are unhappy"

a e tara hil
"I you not-observe enjoy"
"I don't see you looking happy."

e an ri lun
"He us relates authority"
"He has authority over us."

e an ri talun
"He us relates respect"
"He has our respect."

a Gryffid ra hilpur -- ri o -- o i torri tawys
"I Gryffid observe enjoy-death. Relates as object. Object him will relate harm."
"I notice that Gryffid likes killing and violence. That's going to hurt him someday."

tathon bar, tabar thon
"not-near physical, not-physical near"
"Distant in body, close in spirit"
     -- A traditional farewell

immediate physical force change eternal distant death
The prismatic bomb, or tasan

An example of an exchange

A: Aldamar, i an ri santawys.

B: ? E o ra mir

A: Nev.

B: A e ra fal.

A: A e ri fal. A rel e o ra mir.


A: Aldamar, he us relates transcend-harm. Aldamar will hurt us in a deep and powerful manner.

B: (question click)You that observe clarity. You see that clearly, (you're sure)?

A: Truth. Yes.

B: I you observe teacher. I acknowledge your wisdom.

A: I you relate teacher. I wish you that observe clarity. I AM your teacher. I hope you see THAT clearly. (The stronger usage probably implies a threat.)

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