Redirected from: Monk-y Wrenching
Episode Number: (TG105)
Original Airdate: 10/2000
After dealing some heavy damage to a group of goblins, the party finds out where one of the clan leaders, a human Monk known as the Mentor, has camp. They decide to attack, sending most of the skeletal warriors out to provide a distraction. And then, everything goes to hell.
Watch For:
- Arlemis eating dirt
- A combat inconsistency, as the Mentor apparently can attack even while other people are attacking him
Plot Points:
- Monks whoop ass
- The party as an entire entity is a sucker for single combat.
- Magic can work in various ways in this world. Tattoos and drums can both have powerful effects.
Unanswered Questions:
- What is the party going to do with the Mentor?
- Are there any long-term effects from the poison the Mentor used?
- Which magical items gave the Mentor which abilities?
DMP Speaks:
- I'm getting a huge kick out of the fight scene in the upcoming episode, "Monky Wrenching." It's the largest fight we've gotten to do so far, and it's going to be a doozie. We're really trying to show how powerful the party has gotten in just a few days, but at the same time, how far they still have to go.
They got beat up by a bunch of tree-octopi, and now they're killing goblins left and right?
About time passing
I don't believe that a lot of time has to pass for you to get better at combat. If you're in there fighting for your life with a bunch of things trying to kill you, you're going to
get better real fast. So two or three days' time is fair for the amount of improvement they've made. They're going a bit faster than normal people would, of course, but then, that's why you're watching the show, right?
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