It is a big and bad and nasty multiverse out there. It can kill people real easily.
The WorldRose is actually a good model for it. Think of a column -- most models use a double hourglass (as in, wide at top, then narrow, then wide in middle, then narrow, then wide at bottom), but a column will work fine.
The closer you are to the core, the more lawful.
The closer you are to the top, the more good.
So Lawful Good is at the top, in the core, and Chaotic Evil is far from the core (out in all directions) at the bottom.
This means:
One little-known universal truth is that the alignments of the gods aren't set in stone. A god is good in one country and evil in another. Because of that, any god can be found in almost any alignment-locale.
Coming into the presence of a divine power situated in a locale that deviates significantly from the alignment you are used to that deity having results in Will Saves, Ability Score Damage, Madness, Permanent Alignment Changes, and Death, usually in that order.
If a space is not defined (given shape, form, substance), it appears as a landscape that the viewer expects to see:
These hazards are all completely real to the person in question. In general, the closer you are to the alignment of the area, the safer you are. The further away, the greater the danger, in terms of your magic going awry, Things seeking you out, and sheer environmental unhappiness.
-More Later. -P