
The ShoreWasher

(aka the SeaKing, the CrashingWave)

Chaotic Good

The ShoreWasher is the God of the Sea, and to some extent of rivers and lakes as well. He is popular with fishermen, as well as with rangers and druids in oceanic settings. He is a good deity but a chaotic one as well. The sea can be invigorating, but it can destroy towns and drown children as well. The ShoreWasher rarely acts with control over the ocean (he does not cause the storms and floods), but he does try to help his worshippers understand it.

Priests of the ShoreWasher are often the chief priests of small coastal towns or villages. They try to teach their followers using the sea as a metaphor, a source of both kindness and savagery that must be respected and cared for. They can drink seawater as if it were normal water, and they can never drown in water of any kind (although oil, acid, or alcohol affects them normally). In addition, they may detect poisoned or fouled water simply by gazing at it, and will know if a substance is water or something else (like acid). However, they must drink twice as much water per day as a normal person, and they may never drink anything except water. Drinking a potion causes the priest to lose access to his spells for that day (although the ShoreWasher, being chaotic, understands that there are times when breaking the rules is necessary, so exceptions can be made). If a priest of the ShoreWasher goes more than three days without full-body immersion in natural water, he loses access to his spells until such time as he can undertake the holy bath. Well water is not acceptable in most cases -- a river, lake, or ocean is required.


Good, Chaos, Water, Travel

Favored Weapon

Warhammer or Trident

Iconic Symbol

A massive wave breaking on the shore.

Appears as

An enormous white-bearded man who is barechested and wearing sailing garb.


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