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Sub-Duel Damage

(aka "Save Ferrous")

Episode Number: (TG314)
Original Airdate: 10/2001

Sendant battles the Wraith Lord and gets the snot kicked out of him, but Tierney arrives on the scene and with no regard whatsoever for honor, dispatches the Wraith lord and bluffs the party out of the pool room. Upon arriving back at the OSPtR, they find Aldamar, shivering and borderline insane from being attacked by an old enemy of the party, Brel. The party gives Lilly back her harp, and she leaves, rewarding the party as she goes. After a day of rest, the party heads off to the teleporter room and ends up back in the wraith pool. They escape to an entry chamber for the fire challenge, and proceed to head into the room, which is complete with an Iron Golem and fiery gargoyles.

Treasure Watch:

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Well, the party is back together, thank God. And their new weapons, which can bypass the incorporeal nature of the wraiths, should make a lot of the undead cleanup work a great deal easier.

DMP Speaks:

What's up with Aldamar?

The actor really wanted to take him in a new direction. We're going to see what develops.

Brel was so lame...

Currently, he's lame enough to have brought Aldamar to the brink of death with four hits. Well, actually, not death... undeath.

Why did he let the druid live, then?

[shrug] I'm just the writer. You figure it out. Maybe there's an actual character there.

Geordan Speaks:

We actually had a really great fight scene blocked out between Sendant and the Wraith King. But during one of the takes, the stuntman playing the Wraith King fumbled twice in the most hilarious way that we decided to keep the shot. I think it came off well.

Notable Quotes


It should be noted that Patrick decided to get creative with the invitation to this session. We paid him back, in photos that are yet to appear here...

(Lea and Debbie are in formal wear)
Lea: We look like prostitutes!
Tony: Don't take this the wrong way, but you don't look sleazy enough to be prostitutes.
Devon: (playing console game) That's bullshit!
Patrick: Damn straight. You guys look plenty sleazy. Just ask Devo...

(Patrick's cell phone rings)
Patrick: Where am I? (searches) On yer pants, genius!

(setting up a photo with Patrick, Lea, and Debbie)
Geordan: Patrick, I'm feeling dirty looking at you.
Lea: Then we're doing it right!


(imitating a figure-conscious female Illithid?)
Patrick: ...the brain goes right to my hips.

Arlemis: COMMON, muthafucka, do you understand it?!

Tony: (as Sendant) Well, I've consulted my lawyer, and... (unrolls a long scroll with fine print)
Geordan: (as the Wraith King) More evil than I can handle! (flees)

Patrick: Here's your next adventure: Attack of the Vampire Goblin Beholders.

(re: Sendant/Wraith King duel)
Timus: I think you should just both get attorneys, and both go into litigation over it.

(reading "Defenders of the Faith")
Geordan: Whoa! Castrate! Oh, Castigate.

Patrick: That is so last chapter. Those cheap and petty deceptions.

Patrick: By the way, has Aldy drunk from another tier of the fountain, says Leny "The Plot Device" Holimion?

Dave: Getting your feats slightly wrong. "She's flat-chested!" (Wa-pish!) "Much better."
Geordan: Great Cleavage?
Dave: Greater.

Dave: Tim wakes up and can't remember why he has a spell slot missing. "Oh, yeah, I cast Mage Armor in my sleep, right before I woke up."

(Aldamar mentions he can possibly spy on Reltajoon with a spell, but it would be difficult)
Leny: It doesn't involve blood of a virgin, or anything, because--
Arlemis: I'm not getting cut again!

Patrick: Boldly on, friends! It's a good morning somewhere, and there's evil to slay!

Dave: What's the Ta'bar'pur word for "nondeterministic?"

Patrick: Skeletons have improved initiative.
Geordan: (somewhat appalled) Do they have brew potion?!
Patrick: Not initially...

Mike: I never get any fun!
Patrick: You got to fight the Wraith Lord!
Mike: ...
Patrick: For a little while.

Dave: Do I actually get a whole experience point?
Geordan: (stares at Dave, warily) Why do you ask?

Gryffid: I didn't know they had that word in Elven.

Lea: Remember, I'm the prostitute, not Leny.

Lea: I'll be a whore to support my math habit if I don't get into grad school.

Patrick: We don't want to hurt you. We just want to play with you a bit. And the lava.

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