
Shelf Life

Episode Number: (TG301)
Original Airdate: 7/2001

Third season premiere. Leny, Gryff, Tim and Tierney go off to BlackCrag keep in the West, where there have been reports of raids. On the way, they encounter a troop of gnolls, and then an ambush by goblins on a mountain shelf. When they climb up to the shelf to engage the goblins, the party realizes that they've been set up. A green dragon attacks.

Meanwhile, Arlemis divulges a secret from his past to Aldamar.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


The party was really not ready to deal with a dragon. In a serious way. Their inability to do any real damage to it while it attacks from a distance is making it tough for them to stay alive.

DMP Speaks:

Ah, Tar'haer'raloth, the very first attacking dragon. You see the half-dragons, you see the wyverns, you think you've been through it all, and then you meet the dragon. 200+ hit points, breath weapon, spells, melee attacks to die for, spell resistance, blindsight, and he flies, too. It's a thing of beauty.

I almost wanted to save the dragon, so that he wouldn't seem anticlimactic after the Ta'bar'pur. But watching what he's doing to the party, I think the viewer understands that the dragon is really really dangerous in his own way.

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